Dilapidation Reports

Dilapidation Reports are required when council make it a condition of a DA development approval. It can also be obtained to protect a homeowner’s largest investment when construction is taking place in close proximity to the property to prove its prior condition. This can include anything from roads or rail to construction development.

Dilapidation Reports are a photographic library of the condition and current state of the property which will identify any existing cracking to building elements.

Without the record of a dilapidation report you may have issues seeking compensation when required should your property sustain damages as a result of construction activity.

Dilapidation Report

All prices are for the sydney metropolitan area only and GST has not been included

Getting Started

Click on the button below, and this will take you to our request form. ​

Once you fill this out, press submit. ​

We will then send you a quote. ​

On acceptance of the quote an agreement will be forwarded for you to sign and return ​

Should you wish to proceed, Payment is required as per the quote. ​

We will then contact the owner of the property to arrange a time and day to have access to the property ​

We will then carry out the inspection and forward you the report.

All prices are for the sydney metropolitan area only and GST has not been included
Based on Sydney's Northern Beaches we can provide our services anywhere within the Sydney Metro

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